Solar Power Environmental Impact

What Kind Of Impact Can Going Solar Even Have?

The biggest deciding factor for many Homeowners when going solar is whether or not it’ll save them any money, with the idea that if it’s only a lateral move financially, installing residential solar panels on your home for two decades may seem like more trouble than it’s’ worth. Luckily, solar helps most homeowners save on their monthly bill, which is great, but the environmental benefit is even more valuable than any amount of savings.

Why? Residential solar panels generate clean energy directly from the Sun, which helps generate cleaner air and slow climate change. There’s a few different ways we can equate this to tangible things by calculating the kWh an average solar power system is capable of generating.

The average system in TX is about 9.8 KW – some companies install as low as 5KW, but some have ever-higher goal upwards of 10 or 11 KW, depending on roof space that’s allotted to fit solar. Based off a 9.8KW system, about 12,740 kWh (kilowatt hours) are generated each year.

How much of an impact is your average residential solar power system making? It’s equivalent to:

  • Planting 60 trees
  • Reducing over 17,700 miles driven by the average vehicle
  • Reducing 890 gallons of gasoline consumed
  • Reducing 8,242 pounds of burned coal
  • Reducing the use of 18 barrels of consumed oil

…and this is just for an average-sized solar system. With a larger system, you can make that much more of a difference. Think about the overall goal – the United States is anticipated to reach 98 gigawatts of solar installed by 2020. Every bit makes a difference and a step in the right direction.

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