About Us

Leading Solar strives to design Solar systems tailored to Household energy consumption. The goal is to provide Homeowners with access to solar energy at a price that provides savings on electric bills and makes financial sense.

Leading Solar designs and installations are lead by Certified NABCEP PV Professionals. We monitor current utility price trends and use software approved by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) to determine if your home is a good candidate for solar. Our software provides us with information such as solar availability by zip code and the position of your house. Based on this information we design your PV System to power your home customized to your energy consumption.


NABCEP Board Certified PV Installation Professional

Earners of this Board Certification have developed the advanced-level skills, knowledge, and competencies needed to perform in a variety of responsible roles on PV installation projects of varying size and complexity. They are skilled in PV system design, installation, operations, commissioning, maintenance, and more.

NABCEP Board Certified PV Technical Sales Professional

Earners of this Board Certification have developed the advanced-level skills, knowledge, and competencies required of PV sales personnel who are responsible for site analysis, system design, ethical presentation, accurate analyses, and projections of the electrical and financial performance of PV systems.

PV Installation Professional(PVIP)

Cert#: TS-042217-014710

Expires: 06-22-2026

PV Technical Sales Profesional (PVTS)

Cert#: TS-042217-014710

Expires: 06-22-2026

Dedicated to quality and safety

  1. Rigorous Compliance with Building Codes: Adherence to local, regional, and national building codes to ensure structural integrity and safety standards are met.

  2. Experienced and Qualified Personnel: Employment of skilled architects, engineers, contractors, and tradespeople with proven track records and relevant certifications.

  3. Quality Materials Selection: Utilization of high-quality, durable materials sourced from reputable suppliers to guarantee longevity and performance.

  4. Continuous Training and Development: Ongoing training programs for construction teams to stay updated on the latest safety protocols, construction techniques, and regulatory requirements.
  5. Post-Construction Evaluation: Completion of comprehensive post-construction evaluations and inspections to verify adherence to quality standards, address any deficiencies, and ensure client satisfaction.

What People Say


Say Yes To Renewable Energy For A Better Tommorow

For More Information, A Quote, Or To Schedule A Site Visit Contact Us Today!

(281) 698-0058